
Roman Józef Mathia (1882-1932) – drukarz warszawski

View in English Language Roman Józef Mathia urodził się 9 sierpnia 1882 r. w Warszawie, jako drugie dziecko Andrzeja i Katarzyny z domu Rutkowskiej. Nie wiele wiemy o jego młodości z wyjątkiem tego, że jako młody chłopak uczęszczał do rosyjskiego gimnazjum (polskie szkoły były zakazane). Wiemy również, iż po wybuchu strajku uczniów w drugiej połowie…

Mathia-Matthia DNA Project

DNA: A Helpful Tool Almost all past Mathia-Matthia research is based on following the paper trail. Searching vital, church and other records is efficient and effective if those records were created, survived and complete enough to answer our research questions. Unfortunately, following the paper trail for decades has left us with unanswered questions. DNA science,…

Our Beloved Günter Mathia

Günter and his family have been active with the Mathia – Matthia Family Organization for over 20 years. In 2004, Günter and his wife Elisabeth joined with us an a research trip to the Chojnice-Tuchola areas of Pomerania. We visited churches, studied old church books, visited with living cousins, and had a great time. Gúnter…

Father’s Day Y-DNA Sale!

Y-DNA The Y chromosome is passed from a father to all of his sons without being mixed with any of the mother’s DNA. The Y chromosome is recognizably unique for 10 generations despite slight generation to generation mutations. The future of Mathia – Matthia research can be greatly brightened if men from the disparate branches…

Moving Right Along!

I’ve spent the last month-and-a-half refining our new website: The toughest problem was to get functional and readable descendancy charts. I ended up using pre-formatted text. All the other available options were not stable. Even the HTML jumbled itself with multiple edits. Comments on the new format would be helpful. I added the sidebar at…

Your Help is Needed!

Every child has a right to be born into a family that has a rich narrative! “Use of Family Narrativesas a Tool of Effective Parenting,”by Rakesh K. Maurya, abstract: “Family narratives and reminisces can be effectively used by parents as a tool to help children develop self-concept. Family narratives are the way through which children…

One Tree for All Mankind

Why is the FamilySearch Family Tree free? FamilySearch’s purpose for existence is to gather and preserve in its mountain archive a shared family history for all mankind. FamilySearch is a non-commercial and non-profit organization that has been in operation for over 125 years! Trust the Archival Design To immediately allay misunderstandings, concerns and fears, especially…

Our Own Dear Bob Mathia

To this date, no one has contributed more to Mathia – Matthia Family research than Bob Mathia. For this alone we owe Bob a debt of gratitude that extends into the mid-1990s. Furthermore, Bob’s love and cheerful optimism kept us going through hours of searching of unindexed records which were only to be found on…


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